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Sunday Service

We meet every Sunday at 11am for worship led by the minister, or by other preachers. “Young Followers” for children from three years and upwards runs concurrently with this service.

The Reflective Services

held on the 4th Sunday of every month at 9.30am and are led by Miss Caroline Steggals, Worship Leader. The services are small and intimate and are centred around a different theme every month. A prayer is followed by a hymn and bible reading. There is then a group discussion around the bible reading and theme. Everyone is welcome.

Taizé Style Services

A time to reflect with quietness, prayer and beautiful music. These services attract a large congregation and are open to all who wish to attend. We often enjoy the company of visitors from other Methodist Churches in our Circuit, and from Christians of other denominations.

Pinner Association of Churches (PAC)

Pinner Churches, and Pinner Methodist Church are committed to working with one another. We meet together for worship each year in each church.

Sunday 11am Services: Preachers

29th SeptemberSongs of Praise Service led by Mr Colin Nunn
6th OctoberHarvest Festival Service led by Revd. Dr Lynita Conradie
6th October 6.30pmTaize style service led by Mr Colin Nunn
13th OctoberMr Philip Woods
20th October 9.30amJoint Service at Eastcote Methodist Church at 9.30am
27th OctoberSongs of Praise Service led by Mr Colin Nunn
3rd NovemberDr Joy Barrow
10th NovemberRevd Dr Lynita Conradie
17th NovemberHoly Communion Service led by Revd Dr Lynita Conradie
24th NovemberDr Kofi Agyare