Revd Dr Lynita Conradie
For pastoral, or church-related issues, please contact our Minister directly. Our current minister is Rev. Lynita Conradie, who joined in September 2018, has pastoral care for Pinner, Cannon Lane and Eastcote churches, which comes under the Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit of the Methodist Church. Lynita can either by contacted by telephone or email on;
Please note that the Minister doesn’t deal with non-pastoral requests, such as booking a room. Please see contact details for this below.

0208 8680353


Love Lane, Pinner HA5 3EE
Contact Us!
By Car or on Foot: The postal address for the Church is Love Lane, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 3EE. As you enter Love Lane from Bridge Street, and turn left at the intersection, the Church is the first building on the right.
By Public Transport: The buses that serve the Church are the 183, H11, H12 or H13, where you’d get off at Pinner Station (southbound) or Love Lane (northbound). The nearest London Underground station is Pinner, which is on the Metropolitan Line.
We’d love to hear any feedback that you may have. If you’d like to share any comments, complaints, or suggestions please contact us, on website-feedback@pinnermethodist.org.uk.
Please note that, due to a busy schedule and the volume of messages that may be received, you may not receive a reply, but rest assured that your feedback has been taken into account. Please also note that any feedback or other e-mails not pertaining to the website will be ignored, and should be directed through the correct channels as explained above.
Room Hire
To find out more about our rooms, book a room call on 020 8868 0353 or email pinnermethodistchurch@btconnect.com.
Event Hire
For all wedding and baptisms enquiries, please call the main office on 020 8868 0353 or get in touch with Rev. Lynita Conradie directly.

Come and visit us!
We’d love to hear any feedback that you may have. If you’d like to share any comments, complaints, or suggestions please contact us, on website-feedback@pinnermethodist.org.uk.
Please note that, due to a busy schedule and the volume of messages that may be received, you may not receive a reply, but rest assured that your feedback has been taken into account. Please also note that any feedback or other e-mails not pertaining to the website will be ignored, and should be directed through the correct channels as explained above.
Pinner Association of Churches (PAC)
The Pinner Association of Churches (PAC) is a group of five churches in the Pinner area that have committed to work together in our local community.
Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit
We are a network of 17 churches in the London Boroughs of Harrow and Hillingdon. Our 17 churches value being linked together in a Circuit.